Sunday, February 21, 2016

BLOGS weeks 5 and 6

Week 5

Week 5 write up day was on my cheat day. I was too busy eating to write up a blog entry.

Week 6

I'm still losing weight and my waist is looking noticeably thinner. I'm able to wear all of my clothes again, which is awesome.

Last week on my epic cheat day (omg it was glorious), I found that I was still leaning towards healthier options (a salad with dinner, choosing broccoli as my dinner side instead of potatoes). It seems this journey may have actually had a lasting impact on my eating habits. But I still can't wait for it to be over so I can eat without feeling like I'm forced to take the healthy option.

I had bought a really cool C. Luce skirt earlier in the year that I kept in hopes that I would someday be able to fit into it. Well, that someday finally came!

I don't really have any specific or different goals. Just to keep doing what I have been since it's been working for me.

Shout-out to Sarah for being the only other person to show up to team building on Saturday.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

BLOGS week 4

I went to a kickboxing class Saturday morning and my body has been super sore since. Besides that, I've been feeling more fit even though my weight on the scale has been moving very slowly.

I'm not sure that I actually learned anything new this week. I did discover a new ballet class I could fit into my schedule on Wednesdays after P90X.

My "Oh Yea" moment came on Thursday when even though I wasn't able to find parking and go to class that night, I decided to go for a 3 mile run on the treadmill rather than give up on working out that night.

I worked out 6 days last week! Going to repeat my goal of last week of working out at least 5 days next week with 4 days being higher intensity workouts for at least 45 min.

I'd like to make a shout-out to everyone who came out to the Team Building and Team Bonding events last week. It was nice to commiserate with others about the pains of giving up bread.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

BLOGS week 3

My body has been feeling better. I feel thinner and less fluffy that I have in the past.

On Tuesday, I used 1% milk in my shakeology and in a bowl of cereal. I felt bloated and gassy and had stomach issues that I haven't experienced much during the journey. I learned that perhaps my switch to almond milk should be permanent.

My "Oh Yea" moment was when I hadn't done laundry in a while and all of my larger pants were in the laundry and had to try a pair of jeans that previously fit too tight but now were fitting again!

I actually met my previous goal of working out at least 5 times during the week. I went to the Worx 4 times last week and worked out at home on Monday. I'm continuing my goal again of working out at least 5 times next week, even if it's just working out at home or lower impact workouts like ballet.

I'd like to make a shoutout to Sarah RB who was my blizzard carpool buddy on Tuesday!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

BLOGS week 2

I started the week feeling fat, probably due to having some stomach issues on Monday but after I got some workouts in later in the week, I started feeling better. I even noticed at Wednesday's class that I was able to survive some ab workouts that probably would have killed me weeks ago. This was an exciting indication that my core is actually getting stronger.

This week I learned that when I don't work out, I feel like crap. So I'll be making sure that I don't go longer than 1 day between workouts, even if they're low impact workouts like ballet or yoga.

My "Oh Yea!" moment actually happened today when I did a 50 minute run on the treadmill. I haven't done laundry yet so I was out of work out capris and had to wear shorts. After the run, I realized that I finished the run without getting chub rub! It's been a while since I could run in shorts without getting chub rub.

I didn't meet my goal of going to the worx 5 times last week but that was due to being sick on Monday and then a blizzard coming into the area.  This week I'm making a goal of working out 5 times next week, either at home or at the worx, since some streets still aren't cleared yet and may take a few more days to clear.

I'd like to make a shout out to my coach Serene, who has been worxing out even while on vacation in Miami. She posted some really helpful home workouts which I was able to use while snowed in at the house.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

BLOGs week 1

After one week on the journey, my body is feeling mostly alright. I had some soreness and pain in my hips but it only took one yoga class to pretty much cure me of my soreness.

This week I learned about the importance of taking some extra time to stretch out my muscles after class.

I met up with a friend on Friday and she immediately noticed that I had lost weight. Definitely an "Oh yea" moment.

My goals for the coming week is to try to make it to 5 classes this week.

I'd like to make a shout out to the whole Journey crew for showing up and making smart food choices. Sometimes it feels like everyone else on the journey was way more prepared to jump into the nutrition changes but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of this healthy food thing.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


I think I may have jumped into this 8 week journey with a little too much, too quick. Did running workouts Saturday and Sunday and then workouts at the Worx Monday-Wednesday. Suffice to say, I am in pain. Most of the soreness and pain is in my hips, so I feel like I've been walking around like an elderly lady. Hopefully this will pass and I won't need a double hip replacement.  In the meantime, I'm taking today and maybe tomorrow as recovery days. Planning to go to yoga tonight and stretch out all this soreness. Also, finally going to ballet class tomorrow afternoon! I feel like it's been forever since I last went since Monday's class was cancelled.